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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Warm Milk Recipe for those Sleep Regression Weeks!

AAA sleep regression, how do we hate thee... let us count the ways! Has your child been through one lately? Our toddler is going through a sleep regression right now. They seem to rear there head once every 3-4 months. Last regression she waking up in the middle of the night and now she is having trouble falling asleep. It's hard to keep up!

This time around we are giving her Warm Milk before bed and it's actually working!!!

Milk, when warmed, releases tryptophan and studies show that tryptophan does relax the body and help you fall asleep. There are a lot of recipes out there for warm milk but we particularly like the Warm Tumeric Milk, as it has turmeric, an extra boost, to ward off the common cold (and many other benefits!)

Warm Tumeric Milk
-1 cup of milk
-2 nice pinches of turmeric (or 2 slivers of peeled raw turmeric!)
-1 tsp of honey
-1 pinch of ginger
-optional: a shake of cinnamon or a dash of vanilla

Heat the milk in a saucepan on low heat. Whisk in the turmeric, ginger and cinnamon powder (if using). Do your best to whisk out the clumps. Whisk in the honey and vanilla. Pour into a cup (taking out any pieces of raw turmeric). Try using a frother to froth the milk for extra yumminess!

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