Serving up veggies in all of our products!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Serving of Veggies

The start of a new school year is like New Years, a brand new year for resolutions and goals and a chance to start fresh! Do your kids eat enough vegetables in their diet? I am sure most of you will say no. Make the commitment this school year to get more veggies in your kids!

This chart shows the amount of vegetables the USDA suggests for children and what they are actually consuming.

OK lots of room for improvement here! All of our products have real servings of vegetable in them so you don't have to guess how many servings your kids are actually eating. Also, we use REAL broccoli, carrot and cauliflower and NOT dehydrated powders!

Here is a photo of our Cauliflower Tots... this IS a full serving of vegetables! We would happily eat 2 or 3 servings of these guys, they are THAT good!

Source: USDA,

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