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Friday, August 12, 2011

Homemade Raisins

Looking for a fresh take on a classic travel-friendly snack? Make your own raisins this summer and watch the kids gobble up these juicy, sweet-tart jewels! Raisins have more iron by weight than raw broccoli or raw kale and offer potassium, B vitamins and fiber. If you are looking for an end-of-summer project, try sun-drying your grapes to make raisins (see that option below.)

-1 to 2 pounds seedless grapes (we like using red ones)

Turn the oven to its lowest setting (200-250 F).

Remove stems from the grapes and spread them out on a silpat (or parchment) lined sheet pan. Bake, checking about every 2 hours, until shriveled and chewy. About 6 hours total.

Let the warm summer sun do all the work for you! If the daily highs where you live are in the mid 70's or higher, dry your grapes outside on a sheet pan and cover them with a layer of cheese cloth (to keep bugs out). Choose a spot that gets full sun and your grapes should be raisins in about 2 weeks.

Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

photo credit:  
joelogon's buddy icon joelogon

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