Serving up veggies in all of our products!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Spice up your health with these 5 fall flavors

If you’re like us, you rarely crave cinnamon, clove and ginger in the hot summer months when the 90-degree weather has you sweating buckets. But the minute the leaves change, you pull out your favorite wool hat and see all of the autumn inspired boards on pinterest you have an instantaneous need to add those flavors to your sauces, coffees and baked goods. 

These earthy, potent spices can not only warm you up on a cold fall day, they also have many nutritional benefits that aid in digestion, support your body fighting off viruses and help you maintain optimal health during the colder months.

Check out our top five fall spices that not only add pizzazz to your family’s favorite meals and beverages but also to give your favorite foods a natural health boost.

This powerful anti-oxidant supports healthy blood sugar levels as well as improves memory and cognitive function. A dose of cinnamon in the morning will help all members of your family start each day alert and focused. Check out our recipe for pumpkin pancakes; these tasty breakfast cakes contain cinnamon, ginger and pumpkin – a perfect trifecta of nutrition, flavor and focus!

Not only does it have a cool name, this little pod has the power to stop cravings, aid in digestion, alleviates bad breath and halt a nasty case of the hiccups. Cardamom is best used after dinner as it will help you digest even the richest meals; we recommend adding ground cardamom to your favorite desserts. To give these yam apple cupcakes a little twist, add a tsp of ground cardamom or if you need a quick pick me up simply add two cardamom pods to you tea and enjoy the menthol goodness. 

This spicy and flavorful root is another fantastic digestive aid that can help alleviate even the queasiest stomach. Ginger can also be used if your little one is fighting a cold - not only does it boost the immune system it also acts as a natural decongestant. Check out our warming and healing Ginger Sipper for an easy way to get your child to drink this healing root. 

This dried berry is a nutritional powerhouse as it contains manganese, copper, magnesium and other disease preventing phytochemicals. In laymen’s terms, nutmeg can help you sleep better, reduce pain and inflammation and help the body absorb calcium. Nutmeg is delicious in hot chocolate, savory bisques and your favorite fall inspired desserts. Check out our recipea for vegan sweet potato cinnamon rolls for a creative way to incorporate veggies and nutmeg into your family’s dessert. 

This potent flower bud (yes, clove is actually a dried flower bud) is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory especially when it comes to joints. So next time you’re feeling achy, whether it’s a post-work out ache or a “I’ve got the flu” ache, load up on clove! For a protein and clove filled dessert, check out our recipe for Sugar and Spice Nuts

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