Serving up veggies in all of our products!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

New Year, New Us!

Last week we checked in with ourselves to see how well we had accomplished our New Years resolutions. And overall we did a great job! This week we are sharing some of our goals for 2015; small resolutions just to remind us to keep up the good work!

Be more energy efficient at home, and learn more about how to conserve energy around the house.  (stay tuned for our upcoming blog post on our energy tips and tricks!)

Give experiential gifts for birthdays and holidays instead of “stuff.”

Implement a daily 10minute meditation practice, even if it has to be under my desk at work.

Thanks to Serial, I want to explore more podcasts for my daily commute. Hearing creative people do whatever they do best is and invigorating way to start the day!

Stand up straighter and improve my posture every day.

Quit my multi-vitamin and make sure I get all my vitamins and minerals from real fruits and vegetables.

Spend an hour each week being more introspective and taking the time to check in with myself.

Tackle 3 big recipes I’ve bookmarked that have been intimidating me for ages. (Another stay tuned! Accountability, woo!)

Finish 5 books this year, including The Power Broker by Robert Caro, which I’ve been “in the middle of” for all of 2014!

There, we’ve put that out into the universe, said it aloud, and now it’s up to us to make these easy small changes every day. We are wishing ourselves luck, and we’d love to hear what your “Keep up the Good Work” resolutions are!

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